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API Overview

Class: PiscinaThis class extends EventEmitter from Node.js.
Constructor: new Piscina([options])Creates a new instance of the Piscina class. List of available options
Method: run(task[, options])Schedules a task to be run on a Worker thread.
Method: runTask(task[, transferList][, filename][, abortSignal])Deprecated -- Use run(task, options) instead.
Method: destroy()Stops all Workers and rejects all Promises for pending tasks.
Method: close([options])Stops all Workers gracefully.
Event: 'error'Emitted when uncaught exceptions occur inside Worker threads or unexpected messages are sent from Worker threads.
Event: 'drain'Emitted whenever the queueSize reaches 0.
Event: 'needsDrain'Triggered once the total capacity of the pool is exceeded by the number of tasks enqueued that are pending execution.
Event: 'message'Emitted whenever a message is received from a worker thread.
Property: completed (readonly)The current number of completed tasks.
Property: duration (readonly)The length of time (in milliseconds) since this Piscina instance was created.
Property: options (readonly)A copy of the options that are currently being used by this instance.
Property: runTime (readonly)A histogram summary object summarizing the collected run times of completed tasks.
Property: threads (readonly)An Array of the Worker instances used by this pool.
Property: queueSize (readonly)The current number of tasks waiting to be assigned to a Worker thread.
Property: needsDrain (readonly)Boolean value that specifies whether the capacity of the pool has been exceeded by the number of tasks submitted.
Property: utilization (readonly)A point-in-time ratio comparing the approximate total mean run time of completed tasks to the total runtime capacity of the pool.
Property: waitTime (readonly)A histogram summary object summarizing the collected times tasks spent waiting in the queue.
Static Property: isWorkerThread (readonly)Is true if this code runs inside a Piscina threadpool as a Worker.
Static Property: version (readonly)Provides the current version of this library as a semver string.
Static Method: move(value)By default, any value returned by a worker function will be cloned when returned back to the Piscina pool, even if that object is capable of being transferred. The Piscina.move() method can be used to wrap and mark transferable values such that they will be transferred rather than cloned.
Interface: TransferableObjects may implement the Transferable interface to create their own custom transferable objects.